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Current Projects

The Long Road Home:
Blackness and Belonging in North America

Now Available

The Long Road Home is a book about the peculiar nuances of racism in Canada and the United States and the power of freedom dreams that link and inspire Black people across national borders. Combining personal narrative, expert interviews, and academic analysis, the book journeys back and forth across the Canada-US border, and from coast to coast, to highlight the tensions, contradictions, translations and complications that anchor our varied understandings of race and racism. 

The Global Rise of Black Lives Matter

This long-term research project examines the emergence, status, and proliferation of Black Lives Matter (BLM) around the globe. Building on the nascent scholarship that compares the politics of race in democratic societies, the overarching goal of this project is to examine the global roots of BLM, the routes that ideas about Black human dignity have recently traveled, and the institutional and ideational recalibrations that have occurred as a result.  

The Puzzling Persistence of Racial Inequality in Canada 

Though Canada is widely considered a multicultural success story, there are significant levels of racial economic inequality in the country. This project examines the puzzling persistence of racial economic inequality in Canada and the failure to adequately address these conditions in federal and provincial public policy. 

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